San Jose Parks Foundation Annual Benefit Golf Tournament
October 14, 2022 @ 8:30AM — 4:00PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar
Los Lagos Golf Course: 2995 Tuers Rd San Jose, CA 95121 Get Directions

Support San Jose Parks with a Golf Outing
Enjoy a relaxing game of golf, while supporting San Jose's Parks & Trails
Los Lagos Golf Course will be the site of the San Jose Parks Foundation's Annual Benefit Golf Tournament on Friday, October 14, 2022.
8:30am shotgun start. Best Ball scramble format.
Enjoy one of San Jose's most enjoyable golf experiences, while providing support for San Jose's Parks & Trails. Admission includes Green Fees, Cart, Lunch, and Raffle Tickets.
Contests for Longest Drive and Closest to the pin and special Team Prize for Winning Team.
*Limit of 144 total golfers.